I’m Alan Blizzard. I’m the creator of the Accent Marks podcast. Let’s get to know each other shall we?


About me

My passion for understanding what makes people unique started at an early age. I was always the kid to play with others that were different than me and that translated into my adult life where I have a diverse and eclectic group of friends from all around the world. My drive to learn about cultures manifested itself in my undergraduate thesis at the University of Tennessee that explored the impact of cultures on the country selection process for businesses looking to expand abroad. Around that same time I did a study abroad semester in Buenos Aires that would forever alter the course of my life. After graduation I decided to move back to BA for an undetermined amount of time. So many beautiful things happened in South America, I learned a new language, Spanish, came out as gay to my friends and family, led many long nights of a famous nightlife pub crawl, did my masters degree at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, and started a career in sales and marketing for various technology companies. Returning to the United States in 2017, I continued working in international and marketing roles, this time in a more corporate setting. In 2020 while under pandemic restrictions, I began working more heavily on the Accent Marks project while getting certified as yoga teacher. Although I have done a lot of personal development and have grown a ton, we truly are never done learning. Accent Marks is an exciting opportunity to explore my passion for showcasing the beautiful personal journeys that my friends have gone on in their lives and I’m sure I’ll share more about myself. Looking forward to having you along for the ride.


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